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Michael Law
Born in Pennsylvania
20 years
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Son do you remember all the times we would go somewhere and you would have to bring something home with you well Little Kaaren does the same thing I widh I was al lucky as Kaaren to get to see and talk to you I miss you so much I can't believe your gone why you  why not me I still need you tomake me laugh I glad I get to hear Kaarens stories. I love you with all my heart you have made me the person I am today
Hello Son well can you believe Beth is moving on all ready I knew she never reallly loved you She wanted everyone to feel sorry for her when you died It was so hard for me to be nice her I only was nice to her because of you I don't have to be nice to her anymore. She was never very nice to you and I know she wasn't talking to you the morning of the accicdent she made you feel bad before you died she always treated you bad it was always about her. She never put you first I know that if you were still alive you two wouldn't be together because I know you wouldn't be able to have her treat you like that forever. She just wanted you to get away from her family but that's ok I'm glad she's out of our lifes I don't have to pretend that I like her of care about her You know who loves you and who don't YOur friend Jennifer is a true person she still thinks about you I'm glad you had friends like her and Heather I love you do you remember the night I was going to beat Beth's ass you should have let me It would have made me feel better I think it's funny you never go around her yet you visit Sam. Sam will always have you heart I love you and you know Mommy will never move on or replace y ou with anyone or thing your it for me I had the best nothing or no one will ever come close You are my son, my bestfriend, MY ANGEL
Hello Son hey do you remember when Michael and his family would go fishing and you and I would have Mom and Michael time we would go shopping and eat at CiCi's pizza ad rent movies Michael woudn't watch   I miss those times I would do anything to get those back I love the special times we had together you were always my best friend and always will be How is everything? I look forward to the day I get to see you again I love you and miss you so very very much
Hello Michael I love you so much so how have you been I can't help but think of you every minute of every day you are never out of my head I wish i could change that day forever  I hate not having you in my life you were my sunshine and my strength I count on you to help me through you have a lot of people who miss you very much Please let you Father know you love him and don't blame him for Rondashe made her bed now she will have to lay in it she has to answer for how she treated you we know she isn't going to heaven  I look forward to the day I see oyou in heaven I'll being having my surgary soon please be there with me I'm alittle scared I don't want anyone to know but If I don't make it I'll be okI'll be with you Michael baby Kaaren loves talking to you so much you make her laugh Well I  told you Beth would move on she got mad at me for saying it but we all knew she would I stll hate that she wasn't talking to you the day you died she has to tlive with that not me . I know I love you always will Michael please watch over Lexi I worry so much about her I donn't trust Dustin or his family I  worry they will hurt her one day please wake her up to see the light about them and please keep Kailey safe and out of trouble she needs so guidness please be there for you I wiish I could hold you one more time or wake you up or make fries for you one more time we don't use as much ketchup any more since your not here I'd rather have you and buy ketchup I love you forever and always you will always bye my only baby.

Hey,  Are things cool with you? Every time I look in the blue sky I wonder where you are.  I know I sound like a broken record, but that's just it, that's all that I think of., When I mow the grass here, I remember that you where the first to do cut it here, and the great job you did. I remember how thirsty you got, I didn't have the keys for the house for you to get in to get water,  I'm sorry for that. Mike, I really am pissed about the way I just let you leave here, what a  - - - - ing idoit I was to let my own son leave like that. There isn't a day that goes buy that I do not remember that. The shit you had to put up with was unjust on my part, it should have never happened. I remember your expressions on your face, showing how hurt you where. Like always you never said anything, because that was just you, keep peace.  I wished you would have said something, Now that I think back, I probably would have  blown you off anyway... Like I said what a   - - - - ing idiot I was. Yeh Michael, make sure you make your bed! make sure you clean the bathroom sink, make sure you set your alarm for school so I don't have to wake you up, quit eatting so fast, Oh yeh, clean up the - - - - ing dog shit up in the yard so I don't step in it. Oh ,remember your not allowed to use my new stove to make spaghetti for yourself. Oh remember this, can't change your oil in the drive way because we might look like we lived in the Northside, Oh, but things have changed here now a days, we knew that would happen ? What a joke!! I love you so much Michael, you probably wonder sometimes, the way I let this shit go on. But I can assure you Mike there is nothing I wouldn't do to have you in my life again.  NOTHING!!!!  I really miss you Mike, please talk to me in my dreams. Love you always and Forever.. See ya

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