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Michael Law
20 years
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Connie and Tom Hoeke To Paula and Bob June 29, 2011
We love you both and our prayers are with you as you live with the loss of your only son from your earthly lives.No parent should ever have to bury their child,no matter what age.I know how much you wanted to be his parents, and we were privileged to share his birth and life as a little child with you. Know that Jesus is holding him now and until you join him. Paula, you were like a younger sister to me. Thank you for loving my children and being in all our lives. We love you and are praying for you know. You will get through each day b/c Michael is beautiful and safe. But you will never get over this tragedy; how could you when your love for Michael is so deep and broad. With love always
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday December 24, 2009




It came upon a midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold!
Peace on the earth, good will to men,
From heaven's all gracious King!
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing.




For lo! the days are hastening on,
By prophet bards foretold,
When, with the ever-circling years,
Shall come the Age of Gold;
When peace shall over all the earth
Its ancient splendors fling,
And all the world give back the song
Which now the angels sing.


~Sing and play your harps of Gold~


mom 2 Waylon Kitchens thinkin of you July 9, 2009
Mom I love you June 20, 2008
Michael I can't believe it's been a year since your untimely death I miss you with each passing minute I would so anything to change that day I wish you never had to take me to work> maybe this would have never happened I love you and wish I could turn back time you are and always will be my only child I love you forever my heart will never fully heal there will always be a hole missing .
Debi: Mom to Angel Andrew Another Mom who understands June 16, 2008

I realize that I don't know you, nor did I have the pleasure of knowing your handsome son/boyfriend. My heart literally ached when I saw the picture of Michael's car; it brought back the pain and agony that our family felt when our son Andrew, died on July 16th, 2005. It's a journey that no one should have to experience, let alone share with another who might actually comprehend the pain.

I'm so sorry that Michael's lif was cut short; he looked so happy and so in love. I don't have the answers; If I did, I would create the novel of all novels and share it with the world. I do see now, after almost three years, that there is a reason for every loss, even if we just can't seem to grasp on to the fact that our children would have a reason to die and leave us behind.

I witnessed the devastation in my own parents when my sister died four years ago of pancreatic cancer. From the time of her diagnosis until the time of her death, only 8 weeks later, they aged years and began to withdraw from the world.  It was difficult for me as well, but the suffering and lack of dignity that I saw within my sister, made me thank God when she peacefully went home to Heaven with me at her side.  When Andrew wrecked his car and he was ejected on July 12th, 2008, I knew when I saw him that the handsome  18 year old  athlete that he had become, would not be returning to this world...and then, right then at that moment, I knew what it felt like to be my parents.

If you ever need an open ear or simply wonder if what you're experiencing is normal, please email me. I've been there and have lived it all I assume. I've been depressed, angry, so mad at the world, lonely, tearful, surprised that I actually felt normal that day, etc...........it's just a part of this thing called grief.  debi.lynne@hotmail.com

Please visit Andrew's site if you feel that you can. I posted a picture of his car under gallary.

May God Bless Each Of You.

Debi Collins


mom Michael February 20, 2008
I'm sorry I couldn't stop this from happening to you  I miss you so much  I can't wait until the day when we can be together.
bethany To Bob and Paula February 5, 2008
i know you two are hurting no less now than you did the day it happened. i really believe michael talks to you both when you dream. the way you describe what he says and the way he acts sounds so real. like something he would really say and do. my dreams are what is in my own head and i wish i was more open to michael. the relationship he had with you two was so wonderful. i wish that i could have been as open with my parents as he was with you. you really had something special. dont listen to stupid people who tell you that you'll get over what happened. i struggle with stupid remarks like that as well and understand that people want to help but that they dont know michael or the kind of relationship we shared with him. that, along with the memories of him, can't be taken away.
Philip & Barbara Garmon Michael December 21, 2007

I believe you would have eventually made a great movie creator (Michael Law). To Paula, Michael Short and Bob Law wish you the best in your future. To be able to get comfort to know that little Mike will not be forgotten he was very special to all.

He was always smiling never seemed to get mad or upset with others. Me and Barbara thought alot of him, very upset to no longer have such a dear friend.

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